Marine Spatial Planning

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© WWF Guianas
Suriname is making good progress on terrestrial protected areas, but is lagging behind in the marine environment by lack of accessible knowledge. Although key threats, such as overfishing and increased hydrocarbon exploration, are recognized there are significant data gaps which hinder efforts to sustainably manage the marine environment. Consequently, Suriname stated in its CBD National Report (2014) that no progress has been made towards meeting Aichi target 11 for 2020 (10% coastal & marine areas protected) and further action is required against targets 4, 6, 10 & 14.
This project will use a participatory approach to develop comprehensive and visually appealing spatial data that will fill critical information gaps, and facilitate informed decision-making regarding marine management and protection. This participatory approach to marine decision-making will increase the knowledge of the marine environment and related human uses of the marine environment amongst all participating stakeholders by allowing information to be available to everyone. Increased marine protection and strengthened governance through participatory spatial planning, targeted capacity building, and compelling data, will demonstrate that MSP can produce “win-win” outcomes that conserve biodiversity and enhance food security, protect livelihoods and support socio-economic development compatible with ocean health.

Please visit the Project Website here:

Film: Blue Planning in Practice Training in Suriname October 2018.