This year, Guyana’s Earth Hour activities seek to
build awareness and re-engage society about how important the need is to adopt renewable forms of energy as Guyana moves to secure its energy future and support global efforts to #ChangeClimateChange.
Energy plays an important role in many aspects of our daily lives - electricity for lighting and operating appliances at home, fuel for transportation and for manufacturing food and other goods. Most of the energy we use is produced from fossil fuels and this contributes significantly to climate change. With the impacts of climate change being felt around the world (more floods, droughts or heavy rains, rising sea levels and forest fires, for example), it is becoming more crucial that we rely less on fossil fuels and begin a transitioning to energy from renewable, cleaner sources.
Guyana’s rich renewable energy resources –
wind, sun, water, and biomass – all alternatives to fossil fuels – are important as we undertake this transition. Achieving such a future can be realized sooner with stronger partnerships and involvement of the private sector, the creation of national policies that enable greater use of renewable energy and, ensuring that there is accessibility to affordable energy. This year, WWF in Guyana and its Earth Hour Partners aim to help build this enabling environment for climate action.
March 12: EARTH RUN 2016. The run will start from the
Square of the Revolution at 7:00 AM and move along Irving Street and Thomas Road, into the National Park. Bring your family, friends and colleagues as we run to raise awareness about the importance of using renewable energy and practicing climate smart behaviours.
March 17:
GREEN ECONOMY- PERSPECTIVES. Costa Rica’s former Minister of Energy and Environment and current Vice President, Conservation Policy at Conservation International, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, will be engaging with public on the topic of reconciling economic growth and envrionmental success. Under his watch Costa Rica was able to connect the private sector to conservation as an economically viable option. We are working along with Conservation International – Guyana to host this presentation titled, ‘Costa Rica’s Green Economy: What Lessons Can we Learn?’, which will be from
6:00PM to 7:00PM at the Herdmanston Lodge, in Queenstown, Georgetown.
March 17: RENEWABLE ENERGY FORUM. Students and Staff of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES), and the faculties of Technology and Natural Sciences, at the University of Guyana, will be engaging Mr. Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Costa Rica’s former Minister of Energy and Environment and current Vice President, Conservation Policy at Conservation International, in a discussion on resposnsible development of renewable energy potential within the context of green development. Discussions will take place at the University of Guyana’s Turkeyen Campus (SEES Boardroom) from 10 AM to 11:30 AM.
March 19: EARTH HOUR CONCERT at the NATIONAL PARK. On March 19, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, WWF Guyana and its Earth Hour partners are hosting a grand evening of music, poetry and cultural activities in Georgetown’s National Park – and all of the energy needed to power the event will come from renewable, environmentally friendly solar energy, from one of our partner entities, the Protected Areas Commission! The Commission has been using solar energy for 2 years to power its office and all additional energy generated is fed into the national grid.
In APRIL, we go Beyond the Hour and we will be working with a wide cross section of civil society actors – including, grassroots organizations, NGOs, businesses, youth, women, and indigenous people – to gather their perspectives on renewable energy towards the revision of the energy policy in Guyana.
Planning your own Earth Hour activity? SHARE YOUR PHOTOS on Twitter or by email, on your efforts to change climate change!
AT HOME with your friends or family? Express your commitment to change climate change by switching your non-essential
LIGHTS-OFF between 8:30 to 9:30 PM on March 19.
To find out more:
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Follow us on
Twitter @earthhourgy
Earth Hour Partners