Let's Make Guyana Even Greener
Guyana is one of the greenest countries on Earth. But can it be greener? If we all do our part, yes it can. Our special "Let's Make Guyana Even Greener" booklet, authored by Michael Harding and co-authored by Preeya Rampersaud (WWF-Guianas, Guyana Office) with support from Juliana Persaud, Sopheia Edgehill and Aiesha Williams (WWF-Guianas, Guyana Office) focuses on this topic, and presents with facts, data and solutions.
Realized thanks to the support of the Dutch Embassy for Earth Hour 2017 in Guyana, the booklet presents the Green Economy and Green Agenda Guyana is currently in the process of implementing, and invites all guyanese persons to take a stand and do their part to #ChangeClimateChange. With a simple language and a hands-on approach, the booklet delivers consistent and practical information to the general public, making the topic of Climate Change more easier to understand and to grasp. It also provides with simple daily life hacks that we can all embrace and focus upon, such as turning on non essential lights or composting our organic waste.
The booklet is matched with a short animated video and with an infographic, all focusing on the three key areas for Climate Action in Guyana: Renewable Energy, Conservation and Biodiversity, Agriculture.