Call for Proposals - Biodiversity Engagement Facilitation (BIODEV 2030) project.

Posted on 12 March 2021
WWF-Guianas is seeking suitably qualified consultancy firm/institution, NGO, Group of Consultants or Research Centers to execute two (2) studies in Guyana:
  1. A National Synthesis Assessment:  Diagnosis of Ecological Footprint of Key Economic Sectors
  2. A Sector Characterization Assessment: In-Depth Analysis of two (2) Priority Economic Sectors
These studies will be conducted within the Biodiversity Engagement Facilitation (BIODEV 2030) project. The period of engagement including published final reports will run from May 2021 to November 2021.

The DEADLINE for the submission of technical and financial proposals shall be no later than 17:00hrs, local time,on April 23, 2021.

Clarifications could be submitted via EMAIL ONLY using the following email address: with the following email address in carbon copy: