“Green Conversations: Securing our future in a sustainable economy”

Posted on 09 January 2018
Securing our future in a sustainable economy
© WWF Guianas
World Wildlife Fund Guianas and Conservation International in partnership with the Government of Guyana, The University of Guyana and the United Nations Environment Programme take great pleasure in inviting you to a Public interaction on “Green Conversations: Securing our future in a sustainable economy”.
You will be enlightened to hear from world renowned Financial expert Pavan Sukhdev, President of WWF International. A banker by training, Mr. Sukhdev is an environmental economist whose field of studies include the “Green Economy” and international finance. He is perhaps the world’s foremost proponent of this economic concept, and is referred to as nature's banker -- assessing the value of the Earth's assets. His work counts the global economic benefits of biodiversity by encouraging countries to develop and publish “Natural capital accounts” tracking the value of plants, animal, water and other “natural wealth” alongside traditional financial measures in the hope of changing how decisions are made.
Our hope is also to have valued interactions and the sharing of ideas, and as Guyana gears itself for unprecedented growth and development, the environment is considered.
Securing our future in a sustainable economy
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