Second Stakeholder Workshop for Suriname’s GRID Project: Advancing Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure

Posted on
10 September 2024
On September 4th, 2024, key stakeholders gathered for the second workshop of the Greening Infrastructure Development (GRID) project in Suriname, a collaboration between the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The aim of the project is to develop measures in the planning and design phase of infrastructure in orde to transition towards sustainable transportation infrastructure (Greening Infrastructure Development), which safeguards and enhances the immense marine and coastal biodiversity of Suriname.

This workshop played a pivotal role in shaping the final project document, which will soon be submitted to the GEF Secretariat for endorsement—an important step in Suriname’s journey towards greener, more sustainable infrastructure development. Building on the groundwork established during the inception workshop on March 28th, 2024, this second session focused on engaging a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from the private sector, NGOs, governmental institutions, and academia, to gather critical insights and refine the project’s framework.
Key objectives of the workshop included:
  • Presenting the findings and outcomes from the initial workshop, along with the project’s theory of change.
  • Exploring how the project aligns with ongoing efforts to influence Suriname's policy landscape.
  • Gathering stakeholder input to define and assign decision-making authority for the early stages of infrastructure planning and design.
Given the complexity of the project, which incorporates theoretical frameworks tied to existing laws, regulations, policies, and visions, the validation process requires careful attention. Before the plan is submitted to the GEF for endorsement, another stakeholder workshop will be organized. This session will adopt a more simplified, small-group approach to collect additional feedback and make any final adjustments to the proposal.