Sigining of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) MoU
On March 7 2024, the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) MoU was signed. The Spatial Monitoring and Reporting tool (SMART) is designed to help manage and protect wildlife in and outside Protected Areas.The partners have worked over the last two (2) years towards strengthening of our collective efforts in conservation and today marks yet another milestone achievement. The Signing of this MoU signals the willingness to improve our efforts, the desire to work together and work towards joint solutions to the monitoring of our endangered species the sea turtles and jaguars for which Suriname is known.
SMART helps to standardize and streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting, making it easier for key information to get from the field to decision-makers. Through this project support is provided by WWF- Guianas in the form of technical capacity and expertise as well the provision of equipment to implement the SMART Pilot in Galibi for the upcoming two years.
The MoU was signed by the Nature Conservation Division (NCD) of the Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management (GBB), Stichting Duurzame Natuurbeheer Alusiaka (STIDUNAL), the NZCS (National Zoological Collection of Suriname) of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (ADEKUS) and WWF-Guianas.