Project Technical Officers for Sustainable Forest Livelihoods Project

Posted on
02 October 2023

Vacancy: Project Technical Officer

Through funding from the European Union (EU), WWF-Guianas has reached agreement with the French Development Agency (AFD) to execute a Sustainable Forest Livelihoods Project in Suriname and Guyana. The project has entered an  inception phase commencing the end of the first quarter of 2023, and therefore requires a range of preparatory actions including finalizing the inception phase workplan , engagement of partners and stakeholders especially government and potential beneficiary communities, procurement of project staff and consultants, project reporting, and communications.

In the Guianas, WWF believes that Suriname and Guyana can be a beacon of hope for the world, as people chose a prosperous and sustainable future based on the unique natural heritage of their region. But Suriname and Guyana are at the crossroads, with the hard choice immediately ahead between a future that is largely based on income from natural resource exploitation at the cost of the environment and the well-being of people; or a future that is more sustainable, inclusive and low-carbon, and which includes building a new relationship between people and nature through a sustainable and post-Covid-19 economic recovery.

It is in this context that WWF wants to work together with the people of Suriname and Guyana to conserve our natural heritage for human well-being for now and for generations to come.

For this project WWF Guianas is seeking to fill four project officers’ positions to lead the on the ground activities. Two officers will work in the Upper Suriname Region and the Para District in Suriname and two will work in Region 9 and Region 10 in Guyana. The project officers will oversee the on-ground field activities in the project areas.

Position: Project Technical Officer
Place for implementation in Suriname: Upper Suriname Region and the Para District.
Place for implementation in Guyana: Region 9 & Region 10 

Starting date: November 2023
Deadline for Applications: October 16, 2023
Please see the full job descriptions in the related links on this page or click below:

Applicants should send their full application to Human Resources using the following email addresses: and