Renewed edition pocketbook 'Wildlife of the Guianas' inaugurated

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08 May 2023
On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the Wildlife Management Division, part of the Suriname National Forest Service (LBB) hosted an informative training session for stakeholders on the applicability of the pocketbook "Wildlife of the Guianas," re-released in February 2023. This reference book is intended as a tool to support wildlife trade monitoring and enforcement. It was published by WWF-Guianas with support from various parties including, in particular, LBB/Nature Conservation, the National Zoological Collection of Suriname/Center for Environmental Research (NZCS/CMO), customs and exporters. 

In November 2022, the draft version of the updated pocketbook, which contains 23 additional animals compared to the 2002 version, was presented to a larger group of local experts. At that time, calls were made to pass on corrections and feedback. After appropriate discussions, the final 2nd edition was published. The booklet is not for sale but has been made available in a limited print version to a carefully selected group and can also be found online at the following link:

The training on March 29 began with opening remarks by Michael Hiwat, Oceans Officer at WWF-Guianas, who, from his role, is very pleased with the addition of sharks. As acting head of LBB, Ms. Claudine Sakimin expressed her pleasure at the emergence and continuity she sees when it comes to monitoring developments. We are also obliged to do so, Ms. Sakimin stressed, since Suriname is a member of the CITES convention.

The substantive training was provided by Chief of Permits, Mr. Romeo Lala, supplemented by Mr. Raven Kartoikromo, also permits department. The requirements for proper international wildlife trade were discussed in detail. Wildlife trade must always be legal and there must be scientific substantiation that it does not threaten conservation of natural populations. Mr. Lala indicated that there are various checkpoints, including at customs at the airport, the customs officer on duty must have the knowledge to do the check properly the "Wildlife of the Guianas" guide should help with that. Mr. Kartoikromo went into the practical part of wildlife trade and went through the necessary documents and the structure and requirements of a permit step by step with the attendees. In between the presentations by Mr. Lala and Mr. Kartoidikromo, Conservation Director of WWF-Guianas, Sabina Khan expressed her thanks to the stakeholders and emphasized the good cooperation that is essential to conserve and protect the beautiful species in the Guianas.