Presentation of the Regional Action Plan for the NWA Leatherback population during ISTS

Posted on
25 April 2023
Our Oceans Coordinator, Soraya Wijntuin, presented at the 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium (ISTS, in Cartagena from March 18-24). She presented the groundbreaking work that she and the Regional Action Plan 'RAP' Working Group have performed for the conservation of the NWA Leatherback population. Participation in this symposium has also been a fantastic opportunity to to increase motivation and enthusiasm for the important next steps in the implementation of the Regional Action Plan.

ISTS brings together a community of sea turtle biologists, environmental practitioners, conservationists, Indigenous groups, researchers, academics, and advocated from up to 60 countries to share knowledge, build capacity, network and collaborate and ultimately, to promote the protections and conservation of sea turtles. 

Besides the presentations about the Regional Action Plan, Soraya presented two video's during the so called video night: the documentary about the action plan for the NWA Leatherback Population (link: and the animation movie 'The dangerous life of a leatherback' (link: 

ISTS41 Cartagena