© Pete Oxford


Biodiversity conservation is vital for achieving sustainable economic development and needs to be mainstreamed into and across all sectors.Ecosystems and the services they provide are fundamental for all life on earth and critical for human existence. Healthy ecosystems ensure quality life – providing clean air, freshwater, and soils for our inherent survival. 

Through multi-stakeholder dialogue, mainstreaming biodiversity commitments into Guyana’s economic sectors will soon be taken into account with the support of the new BIODEV 2030 project. The Project: Biodev2030 Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Economic Sectors (BIODEV2030), financially supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) and coordinated by Expertise France, through WWF.  The project is global pilot which is run in 16 countries and aims to address the biodiversity crisis through research and updating the science that underpins decision making on biodiversity; supporting private sector commitment and actions for biodiversity; and developing a global apex target for biodiversity.

The project also seeks to understand the “footprint” of production and consumption – that is accounting for all aspects of pressure on the natural systems and addressing these impacts, bringing them within safe boundaries by 2030.

---> Head to the global BioDev Website for more information about Integrating biodiversity into development. 


Mainstreaming Biodiversity is generally understood as ensuring that biodiversity, and the services it provides, are appropriately and adequately factored into policies and practices that rely and have an impact on it. In addition, mainstreaming biodiversity means to integrate all impacts on and dependencies to biodiversity along the production lines and value chains.

Empowering governments together with the private sector and civil society, to jointly identify and engage transformational changes in economic sectors which are strategic for national development and significantly impact biodiversity in Guyana.


The Project will adopt a 3D approach Diagnosis, Dialogue and Dissemination Diagnosis and science:

The project will use diagnosis and science to assess the threats to biodiversity at the national level; Estimate the potential threat reduction measures of key economic sectors, and to identify priorities for biodiversity conservation and sustainable management at both the sectoral and national levels.

Dialogue with stakeholders: Multiple stakeholders will be invited to engage in dialogues with the overall goal of sharing a common vision and set voluntary commitments involving key economic sectors, to support national commitments for the global Post-2020 Agenda. 

Dissemination and inclusion: Create a community of practice by disseminating learnings, sharing experience and discussing the process and the methodology with other countries; Facilitate of national and regional workshops.

© Kemptorne Daly / WWF-Guianas
Head to the global BioDev Website for more information about Integrating biodiversity into development. 
© Kemptorne Daly / WWF-Guianas
© Pete Oxford

Linking Biodiversity Conservation with Key Economic Sectors in Guyana

Under the BIODEV2030 initiative, WWF-Guianas held a Biodiversity Engagement Consolidation event that links key economic sectors to the mainstreaming of biodiversity.
High on the agenda during the discussions, was the reduction and regulation of use of harmful chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides) used in agriculture, and the promotion of the use of biopesticides, biofertilizers and integrated pest management (IPM) in farming. Whilst for the gold mining sector, representatives of the various agencies discussed techniques to reduce environmental impacts through measures such as the reduction and recycling of the use of cyanide and mercury and the adoption of mercury-free techniques in mining operations.




This Summary corresponds to the first phase of the Biodev2030 project in Guyana.
From eight formal sectors which impact biodiversity in Guyana, prioritizing these sectors for the making voluntary commitments was done progressively, first based on a large bibliographic analysis, then by using a series of criteria, which were weighted and then aggregated to arrive at a preidentification of three priority sectors.
This Summary corresponds to the second phase of the project, the objective of which was to conduct an indepth analysis of the Agriculture and Mining sectors, which had been identified during the above-mentioned prioritization process, and to identify opportunities and challenges in developing voluntary commitments within these sectors to reduce biodiversity loss.




The Inception Report provides details on the scientific methods and assessment tools used in the assessment. It also provides details on the selected sectors studied, data sources, and the process employed to engage stakeholders. The Report structure is a bibliographic revision on threats/pressures on biodiversity and drivers of decline from the economic sectors in Guyana.
This report highlights the pressures and threats on biodiversity and the drivers of change across vital economic sectors in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. This report corresponds to the first phase of the project, the objective of which was to conduct an in-depth analysis of the Agriculture and Mining sectors, which had been identified during the prioritisation mentioned above process, and to identify opportunities and challenges in developing voluntary commitments within these sectors to reduce biodiversity loss.
This report covers the outcomes and results of the Voluntary Commitments Launch event held in Georgetown at the Marriott Hotel. The event brought various project stakeholders to discuss the overall assessment of the accomplishments and the next steps for the project in Guyana. This report corresponds to the second phase of the project, the objective of which was to conduct an in-depth analysis of the Agriculture and Mining sectors, which had been identified during the prioritisation mentioned above process, and to identify opportunities and challenges in developing voluntary commitments within these sectors to reduce biodiversity loss.

FINAL REPORTS            


Assessment Mission of The Voluntary Commitments And Results of The Biodev2030 Project In Its 16 Countries of Intervention evaluation

Perception and satisfaction survey report for the BIODEV2030 project. survey was conducted for BIODEV2030 project, a project carried out between the end of 2019 and the end of 2022 and funded by the French Development Agency (AFD).
Country Fact Sheet for the selected sectors and value chains in Guyana.